Who We Are

As the Shipping business costs increase, is becoming more necessary to take good care of vessels and cargoes. Thinking on this need, Jais Marine Surveyors & Cargo Logistic was founded in 1998, with the purpose of offering our great range of services on Technical Marine Inspections to Insurance Co, Ships Owners, Charterers, Operators P&I Club and Marine Lawyers. At the same time we continue taking care of the cargoes until the final destination throw our services of Cargo Logistics in planning, administration and execution.

Our goal is to protect owners, charterers, shippers, consigners, and any kind of person involved in this business.

In order to protect them, we know that our commitment is to carry out a complete and qualified inspection, by getting the best evidences that will support the correct defense of their interest and properties

P&I Representations

Captains endorsed by Colombian Maritime Authority Dimar and IMO, with great experience working on board ocean going vessels are available in case any P&I club requires them to perform the inspections by providing the right support to Captains and by getting the appropriate evidences to protect Owners and Charterers.